Locally reared
We select our lambs from local farms, primarily in Kent. Selecting from local farms reduces food miles,supports local farmers and reduces stress for the lambs.

We have a near continuous supply of perfect lambs as we select from a variety of farmers. Some commence early ‘out of season' lambing, others lamb later in the spring and early summer.

Our lambs benefit from an outdoor life naturally grazing lowland pastures and the uplands of both the North and South Downs. Many of these fields have mixtures of traditional herbs and grasses such as Cocksfoot, Timothy, Fescues, Red and White Clover and Chicory all of which improve meat flavour.

Non-intensive sheep farming allows these species to persist whilst encouraging the diversity of wildlife and wild flowers. We all benefit from this when out enjoying our local countryside.

When purchasing our lamb you are helping local farmers and the environment, as well as treating yourself to great tasting food.